Ahrex SA220 Streamer Hooks


Ahrex SA220 Hook

Ahrex SA220 Streamer Hooks feature a straight shank and straight eye streamer hook.
Not as long as a traditional streamer hook and made with a heavier wire.
This SALTWATER hook is an obvious choice for almost any fly, and is a great allround saltwater hook.

A-Steel Finish*
Available in size 1/0 – 8.
Chemically sharpened with small barb

Number of Hooks per pack
#10 x 12
#8 x 12
#6 x 12
#4 x 12
#2 x 12
#1 x 12
#1/0 x 10

See the Ahrex hooks comparison chart  and for the full range of Ahrex Hooks available in South Africa, click here.

*A-Steel is a new and innovative coating.
Ahrex SA220 Streamer Hooks are the first brand to utilize this coating on fly hooks. A-Steel is 4 times more saltwater resistant than Duratin (the most used coating for saltwater hooks).

The color on A-Steel resembles the color of Stainless Steel. It has very low glare and is less shiny than other coatings, like Duratin.

If you are looking for a strong robust hook for big predators like trevelly, see the Ahrex SA274

Click here to learn more

The A-Steel coating allows us to use High Carbon Steel instead of Stainless Steel, which allows us to have super sharp hook points, which isn’t the case with Stainless Steel.

Check out the brilliant Ahrex SA220 – Cone Crab Video – tied by Mathias "Tuben" Ibsen

A straight shank, straight eye streamer hook. Not as long as a traditional streamer hook and made with a heavier wire. This hook is an obvious choice for almost any fly, and is a great allround saltwater hook.

Before I met Håkan personally, I was of course just as impressed as anyone with his skills in nearly all styles of flies. But after I first saw him tie flies, I was even more impressed with the speed at which he ties his flies. I’ve seen Håkan tie a fully dressed Mar Lodge in 15 minutes. If I spent 3 hours tying one, it might look half as good as one of his. While Håkan knows and can tie just about any of the classic dressings of Kelson, Pryce-Tannat etc., he has a refreshing attitude towards the flies. He enjoys tying the originals, but still you’ll often her him say: “There are no rules”

The Saltwater Test – Ranking showing the most saltwater resistant first:

  1. Stainless Steel (Not so sharp hook points)
  2. A-Steel (Super sharp hook points)
  3. Duratin
  4. Black Nickel
  5. Bronzed