
Lively Leg Crustacean Brush


Lively Legs Crustacean Brushes

SKU: Crustacean Brush Categories: ,

Lively Leg Crustacean Brush is made out of Just Add H2O original synthetic fibres, micro rubber legs and stainless steel wire.

Perfect for creating buggy bodies for crabs, shrimps or woolly bugger and leech imitations.
The wild wiggly action of the rubber legs will drive fish mad, especially Bass.

Simple wrap along the hook shank and tie off. 2 pieces per pack 12" long

PLEASE NOTE that the size width indicated is for the centre fibres, the rubber legs are longer than the indicated size.

Made in South Africa

See other brushes here
Also try the Streamer Leg Brushes !
Here is a video on how to use these brushes
Make your own with micro rubber legs.