Scud Back Body Stretch


SKU: Scud back Category:

Scud Back Body Stretch

Best material for backing czech and other nymphs, or for providing various 'skins'.

Also see Thin Skin
Video: Tying the McPhail Caddis Pupa by Davie McPhail.

Scud bodies and body stretch

Two similar materials that can be used for fly tying. Scud bodies are made from synthetic materials, such as chenille or foam, that are shaped to resemble the body of a scud, a small crustacean that is a common food source for trout. Body stretch is a stretchy material that is made from latex or silicone. It can be used to create a variety of body shapes, including those that are ribbed or segmented.

Scud bodies are a good choice for fly tying because they are durable and easy to work with. They can be tied in a variety of colors and sizes to match the natural scuds in your fishing area. Body stretch is also a good choice for fly tying, but it is more difficult to work with than scud bodies. However, body stretch can be used to create more realistic body shapes, and it is more durable than scud bodies.

Here are some tips for using scud bodies and body stretch for fly tying:

  • When using scud bodies, make sure to choose a material that is the same size as the natural scuds in your fishing area.
  • If you are using body stretch, be sure to wet it before you tie it in. This will make it easier to work with.
  • You can use scud bodies or body stretch to create a variety of body shapes. For example, you can tie in a ribbed body by wrapping a thread around the body material. You can also tie in a segmented body by using different colors of body material.
  • Scud bodies and body stretch can be used to tie a variety of flies, including scuds, midges, and nymphs.
Some examples of flies that can be tied using scud bodies or body stretch:
  • Scud: This is a simple fly that is tied using a scud body and a few strands of hackle.
  • Midge: This is a small fly that is tied using a body stretch and a few strands of midge hackle.
  • Nymph: This is a larger fly that is tied using a scud body, a ribbing material, and a few strands of nymph hackle.

Scud bodies and body stretch are two versatile materials that can be used to create a variety of flies. They are a good choice for fly tying because they are durable, easy to work with, and can be used to create realistic body shapes.